Nourished by the word of God and the Holy Eucharist celebrated daily in a true spirit of repentance and reconciliation, and as the great event of the day, we deepen our Abba centered spirituality, grow in personal holiness and form a sisterly community. From this reconciled and deeply united sisterly community flows greater apostolic energy.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, like our Blessed Mother Mary Immaculate, we venture to meet the challenges of the times reaching out to everyone, especially women, girls and children in towns and villages.

In this missionary endeavour we are characterized by our radical following of Christ, manifested in our simple, humble, cheerful and transparent life-style, spirit of detachment, sacrifice and hard work.

Home Visitation
In our mission we go from house to house visiting the families, the sick and the homebound, praying with them and for them. We listen to their problems, teach them simple matters of faith and morals and direct them in many areas of life for which they need guidance and counseling. We also try to bring peace to the troubled and broken families by uniting those who are separated.

Village Apostolate
During the Village Visitation we stay among the people, share their joys and sorrows, help them to improve their standard of living and to realize the dignity and freedom of the children of God.

Pastoral Ministry
We help build up the particular Church by taking an active part in the pastoral and ministerial works entrusted to women religious. By these we encourage everyone to a full, conscious and active participation in the liturgical worship, to encounter Christ in the sacraments, and lead them to communion with God and to be witnesses of the risen Christ.

Catechetical Media
Our Father Founder’s catechetical publications are updated and circulated by us for the benefit of all, especially the young. Thus we proclaim the Good News that Jesus is our Saviour, and assist to deepen the faith of the believers.

Healing Ministry
As Jesus went about curing and healing every kind of disease and infirmity as a sign that the kingdom of God had come, we too, impelled by this charity and compassion, see him in every suffering person and render Christlike care of their physical, mental and spiritual needs. This service is carried out mainly through our dispensaries, hospitals, and home for the senior citizens.

Teaching Ministry
Schools, Boardings, Vocational and Cultural Centres:
We run schools at various levels and mediums, especially boarding schools for girls from the villages, who are from poor families and would be working in the farm fields to support their families. We assist them through our institutions to complete at least their basic education. By our loving and caring presence with them we create an atmosphere conducive to develop reverence and love for God, parents and teachers, civil and religious authorities, companions, and neighbours. They learn to be compassionate and generous towards all, especially the poor, aged, needy and the suffering. We also instill in them love and respect for all God’s creation, and to be responsible citizens in our world.

Empowerment of women
We conscientize women of their dignity and rightful place in the family and society, and empower them with the gospel values to liberate themselves from the evils that enslave them.

SMI Associates
It is a spiritual bond with our SMI family. We offer them opportunities to see more clearly their own lives as a ministry, a mission, thereby sharing in the missionary nature of the Church through the spiritual and apostolic charism of our congregation.

SMI Co-workers
Our Co-workers associate with us in our various activities. While we learn from them, we also help them to possess Christian values, and motivate them to live as responsible citizens and good children of God though our life of witness. We share our charism with them by conducting courses, seminars and spiritual practices according to place and need. We accompany them in their life’s journey, especially in their moments of sufferings and difficulties, with kindness and compassion like Jesus and our Blessed Mother.

The Apostolate of Smiling

Our Founder instructs us, “You must keep a cheerful countenance all the time, everyday of the year, with face smiling, modest. This is your Apostolate of Smiling, that I am here giving you. We cannot think of a Sister of Mary Immaculate who is stooped, and wears a long face. The name “Sister of Mary Immaculate” should be synonymous with a sister having an erect body and a smiling face.

Here I am giving you incentives for your Apostolate of Smiling, an apostolate greatly needed in these troublous times:

Just a little smile on your lips
Cheers your heart.
Beautifies your face.
Promotes your health.
Inspires kindly deeds.
Induces kindly thoughts.
Keeps you in good humour.
Preserves peace in your soul.

S m i l e t o Y o u r s e l f
until you have warmed your own heart
with the sunshine of your
most cheery countenance.

Then go out And radiate your smile!
That smile has work to do,
Work to do for God.
You are an apostle now,
and your smile is your instrument
for winning souls.
Sanctifying grace in your soul
will give your smile special charm
for doing good.

Smile on the timid faces.
Smile on the lonely faces.
Smile on the sorrowful faces.
Smile on the fresh young faces.
Smile on the wrinkled old faces.
Smile on the familiar faces of your family and friends.
Let all enjoy the beauty and cheer of your smiling face!

Count, if you will, the number of smiles your smile has drawn from others in one day. The number will represent how many times you have promoted contentment, satisfaction, encouragement, joy or confidence in the hearts of others. These good dispositions always give birth to unselfish acts and noble deeds. The influence of your smile is spreading, though you do not always see the wonders it is working.

Your smile can bring new life, and hope, and courage into the hearts of the overburdened, the discouraged, the tempted, the despairing. The influence of your smile can inspire unselfish, even noble deeds, unknown to you. Your smile can awaken a religious vocation. Your smile can be the beginning of conversions to the Faith. It can bring about a metanoia and bring a sinner back to God. Your smile will certainly win for you many devoted friends! Smile, too, at God, in loving acceptance of whatever he sends into your life. Then you will merit having the radiantly smiling face of Christ look upon you with love throughout eternity!

My dear Sisters, my dear children, we must become Saints! That is the purpose for which we have consecrated ourselves entirely to God. Many others who – like us -- embraced the religious life have become truly Saints. Why and how did they become Saints?

Because they were –

Cheerful when it was difficult to be cheerful.
Patient when it was difficult to be patient.
They pushed on when they wanted to stand still.
They kept silent when they wanted to talk.
They were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable.

It was quite simple and always will be!

In conclusion, I say my dear children, that if they could become saints, we too can become saints!

May our heavenly Father, our Immaculate Mother Mary, and St. Therese of the Child Jesus, patroness of the missions and of your institute, bless you and help you to become saintly sister apostles, as I bless you with all the love of my heart.
Fatherly yours in Jesus Christ,
+ Louis L.R. Morrow
Bishop of Krishnagar
Krishnagar, 8 December 1950 and 15 August 1969

SMI Houses and their specific Ministries
Mother House and Generalate


At the General Chapter of October 1987, it was proposed that the congregation could go into provinces for better animation and administration. With the approval of the Holy See, and with the consent of the general council, Sr. Pieta Manavalan, the then superior general, erected the first two provinces, namely, Kolkata and Bangalore, and the First Delegation, comprising the houses in Germany, Italy, and U.S.A. The erection of the above took place on 31 January, 1990 at our Motherhouse and Generalate in Krishnagar, during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Bishop Lucas Sirkar, Bishop of Krishnagar.

At present there are five provinces and one delegation - 4 Provinces in India, one in Tanzania and one Delegation:

Province of Bangalore

Province of Delhi

East African Province

Province of Guwahati

Province of Kolkata

First Delegation

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